Beauty Essentials for People with Zero Time

Here it is! See? I told you there would be two and there are. So…nya. 😛

Part of fashion is beauty, and beauty part of fashion. Like that rectangle-square relationship, they’re neither mutually exclusive or exclusive, but their traits tend to overlap. (It also doesn’t hurt that women love fashion and women love beauty tips. or that on the whole, fashionistas like things that are pretty.)

So, I offer unto you, my lovely internet readers, my secret to looking vibrant and alive despite my total lack of time to spend primping on a daily basis and the impracticality make-up serves in my work-related endeavors. (Usually I end up sprayed in the face with water at work. Every. Day. That’s what working with plants and flowers gets you. Pretty things are rude.)
The best part is, none of these items are over $15.

So without further ado, the four things that my life depends on [if I don’t want to look like death].

#1: Yes to GrapefruitYes to Grapefruit Brightening Facial Towelettes

These are phenom. They cleanse, they exfoliate, and generally give you that fresh-out-of-the-shower glow that makes your skin look healthy. Also, it helps get any oil, sweat, or cosmetics out of your pores to keep your face lovely. 🙂 I usually throw a bag in my purse and use one in the morning to get any grossness I might have missed, and then one mid-way through the day to freshen up.  Plus, they smell sweet and delicious! These only run about $5.99 for a pouch of 25 towelettes from their official website (or you can find them at Target if you don’t want to deal with shipping).

clean up your face!


Happy BoosterHappy Booster Glow & Mood Boosting Baked Bronzer

Because I don’t like cakey foundations and I occasionally look pale in the morning (thanks, anemia!), this compact is my BF. It’s Physician’s Formula, so it’s not full of things that are too horrible to be on your face, and it actually smells pleasant. They claim it’s violets, but it’s more of a baby-powder/perfume sort of mix. In addition to making you glow like you’re excited to face the day, it’s made with natural plant extracts that are supposed to promote happiness. I’m not sure if that’s true or not, but at the crack of dawn in the morning, anything helps. These will run you $13.95 for a compact, but if you watch the sales at King Soopers and Walgreen’s, you can usually snag them up for about $11.

get happy!


Pink Lemonadee.l.f. Essential All Over Color Stick in Pink Lemonade

I love this thing. Love. First off, it’s a whopping $1. And it’s actually GOOD. This is a quick, cheap, grab-n-go item that you can toss in your bag and use as blush, as lip color or even to brighten up your eyelids or temples. Pink Lemonade is my favourite color. Keeping in mind that I’m generally pretty pale (but yay, #2 bronzer!), but it makes a lovely blush and just a dab on my eyelids blended in makes me look more alert and awake. A little bit on your lips goes a long way though, it’s kind of pearl-y and shiny. You can order it online, or this is another good Target and occasionally Dollar Store find.

thirsty for some lemonade?


NatureLuxe Mousse MascaraNatureLuxe Mousse Mascara by Covergirl

I don’t wear eyeliner except very chic occasions, so this stuff is crucial to making my eyes look wide and alert. It’s natural (I think it’s made with bees wax), and you can completely tell that it doesn’t interfere with your eyelash health. I’ve had a lot of mascaras in the past, and what this one lacks in the falsies look, it makes up for with natural, long ad full-looking lashes. Plus, it washes off when you want it to and you don’t have to apply a million coats to look like a doe-eyed beauty. I would normally link you to the real page, but Covergirl sells primarily through others anyway, soooo… Pick it up from a Wal-Mart, Walgreen’s, Ulta, or anywhere else that sells Covergirl cosmetics. It’s only about $9.99 a tube.

lash up!

So, there you have it. Fantastical things I have found for you, on the cheap. They’re functional for running around trying to manage a busy lifestyle, or even just achieving a nice look with minimal effort, money, or too many icky chemicals. (also, it should be noted that all the images used are from their *official* product pages, and I was not given any money to endorse these! shame, really. ;P )

What about you guys? Do you have a favourite product you would love to share? I’d love to hear what else is out there!


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