Colorado Fashion Week – Sneak Peek!

Okay guys, I managed to go to Colorado Fashion Week this Saturday, and let me tell you; It was amazing. Seriously, I was impressed. (Not so much with the continuous delays, but still impressed overall.)


(lookie! I even got a Press Pass! >w< Okay, so my name is spelled wrong, but who cares? Haha)

I have a ton of photos to share with you all, but unfortunately you’re gonna have to bear with me for a day or two while I go through them. Not only does my poor iPhone (currently standing-in for my digital camera) have some sort of corruption in it, but I took over 300 photos of the event!

So, it’ll basically be like you were sitting right there with me and my friend B if we can all be patient and endure the drudgery that is photo editing (did I mention I’m not a photographer?)!

As a teaser, here are a few of the finale’s from the collections featured in the show! (Sorry Robbi Sayuri, I still adore you, but my phone corrupted your finale video when I went to brag about you to my friends. So, Robbi=good; technology=bad. 😦 ) Don’t worry for those of you who are curious I will be adding the designer names and whatnot soon as well.

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